How to make players push each other out of the way

I have a basic cylinder collision around player that pushes all other objects away, collision setup looks like this:

It works like it should, when this collider touches specified objects it will push them in opposite direction of player. Problem is that when 2 players collide with each other, they both instantly stop unable to move in their direction.

I would like to make it that they will also just push each other out of the way, just like with other blocks, but I’m not sure how to approach this issue. Is it doable within playing in editor or is it needed to create some blueprint add force logic on collision hit?

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Hello and thank you for posting.

Pushing a player sounds really fun. Since it is a character, would you be interested in the Launch Character documentation?

I have also provided a link to collision filtering since it seems you are using custom collision settings.

I hope the documentation gives you a good start into pushing your players.

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You can use “Launch character” to push players away, you can add something like this:

Just make sure you check “Simulation Generates Hit events” on your playercharacter otherwise i don’t think it will work