I feel I have the logic down, but I can’t get the Blueprint to work. Basically, using the top down BP template, I want the player to continue to running until they’ve reached the end of the level or died. While running, I want them to also shift their current Y location to the same location of where they clicked.
In my head, it would work like this:
On level begin, spawn player at Player Start
For every tick, move the player forward in the X axis.
*If the player runs into an object, the player’s movement is stopped until they move around the object
Using the mouse’s hit location, move (lerp) the player the same Y location of the click while continually moving forward at the same velocity (i.e., doesn’t slow down while slide directions.)
I feel like I’m missing something extremely basic, and I’ve tried viewing the Swing Ninja and Tappy Chicken movement mechanics, but neither one seems to translate well into the top down template.
I’m not expecting to be spoon fed everything, but a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.