How to make Pick up item change objective

I have a working inventory
I have the interactibles and you can pick them up
I have the trigger boxes changing the objectives


let’s say I want to have the objective change when they pick up the item, how do I do that? and would it go in the widget blue print or the third person character or the game mode? please help and let me know if you need to see any of my BP.

Right now all the trigger boxes can just be triggered without the necessary items to continue so I need to fix that.


It is not clear what you want.

The widget should just show what the objective is, but it should not change it. Objectives make sense most as part of the game mode. In the item, when it is picked up, set the objective on the game mode.

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Okay so I did that, the first one you run into, says go get key, you get key, pick it up, the is the BP of the key but it’s not changing in here, what am I missing?

I think that the Player Character you are using is not the same one from the Event. You need to set that variable, or just drag from the Event.

Can I set it in the parent and have it in the child? because I did that and I don’t see it as a variable

I re-set it in the child and it still didn’t work

What parent and child? I don’t understand.

This BP is a child BP because I will have multiple items you can pick up

Did you try this?

yes and still nothing :frowning:

I don’t know then. It’s hard to tell what might be wrong just based on your descriptions. Pictures often help.

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