How to make PAWNS to avoid each other?

Hello! I working on a spaceship game. There is one mothership, and other small ships around it, what I want to control by clicking to a point on the map with the mouse. I want them to avoid each other, so instead of pawn I used character, becaouse only RVO and Crowd Manager are the only way in the engine to use avoidance, and both of them tied to the Character class. I set up my ships by adding a static mesh to the made Character class, but get another problem: the navmesh takes only the capsule component into account, but not the static mesh, so the ships only avoid the capsule component, not the static mesh. I tried to work around, but can’t rotate the capsule component to fit my ships. Also, I can’t disable the capsule component for the same reason. So what’s now? For avoidance I need Character, but it only comes with capsules.

I quickly doodled this and it worked for me. I created a PPawn (not a character) added the collision object as root and used “Floating Pawn Movement Component”.

Maybe it gives you some direction.

I give up. It’s totally not working. Thanks for your help, but it’s not helping.

Scattered pawns are pawns of one color that are not located on adjacent squares. In other words these are the pawns that cannot be protected by any other pawns. Typically even a single isolated pawn is considered to be a weakness in the endgame. If you have multiple isolated pawns.