I know compositing in UE isn’t that typical, but I am trying to do basic composite on top of real camera tracked footage.
Here is scene
I am trying to add animation on top of the footage. In the video you can see how the animated figure gets occluded by the image plate. I am trying to get the iamge plate here to behave how camera background behaves in Blender. In Blender, the camera background does not occlude objects.
Any ideas, or tips for a compositing workflow like this in UE?
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I imagine with that method you will then manually have to align 3D elements to camera tracking points/geometry that were created in camera solve. For instance, if there is some mesh that I built as part of the camera solve, and I am placing CG at exact points on the mesh, than moving the image plate will alter the relationship between the CG elements and the original footage. That is why it would be great if the image plate had some option to make it always in background. This is how Blender camera background works.
Because of this issue I started looking into Composure, but oddly all the tutorials show comositing with static image. I haven’t figured out how to make it work with video playback.
Actually reading documentation,
“The plate will also dynamically adjust its scale to ensure it will remain fully in view.”