I just figured out how to make vehicles and I would like to know how to make the blueprint class like the one in the VehicleGame example.

How would I accomplish this?
I just figured out how to make vehicles and I would like to know how to make the blueprint class like the one in the VehicleGame example.
How would I accomplish this?
See this tutorial, maybe help you: UE4 SimpleWheelVehicleComponent a - YouTube
Have you configured properly the physics asset in 4.15? or are you trying in 4.14?
I am using 4.15, I am unsure on how to properly setup the physics asset for my vehicle because there is no tutorials for it. What should I change? Cause I currently have it set to the car body as a box and the wheels as sphyl’s. They are set to default cause I dont see the difference from using default or kinematic.
I have not been able to configure the physical asset correctly in 4.15. Waiting for a tutorial to explain it…