I’m trying to make my FPS arms follow the camera everywhere I turn. I made a few mistakes after adding a skeletal mesh to the camera since I couldn’t use the character mesh, and then transferred all child actors to the skeletal mesh but now only the walking animation works the equipping and attack animations won’t work anymore, help would be really appreciated @Mind-Brain
Hey again @Twan_so-kl!
Try to add enough details with your first post- again, there’s really not a lot to go on here. All a viewer will see is a working animation and camera. We need to see so much more here.
The character Blueprint.
The animation Blueprint.
The animations.
How you are triggering the animations.
If you changed the skeleton (Not the skeletal mesh that’s different), because if you did you need to reassign the animations.
So let’s start by getting all of that together first!
I’m going to link a YouTube video explaining
So first thing I want you to try:
Yes, have the skeletal mesh under the camera. Then instead of using “Play Anim Montage” use “Play Montage”. It’s better overall, it has a more detailed input/output array. There you should be able to specify the skeletal mesh you want to use instead of “Self.” Pass in your skeletal mesh and let us know how it goes!
Screenshot your work once it’s done if it’s not working, and we’ll make sure it gets there!
well now the child blueprints are a bit off
If you could be so kind as to show your hierarchy on your character? There is no reason it should have affected any child blueprints… If you’re talking about your axe and gun those would be child Actors, but still, as long as the hierarchy was the same it shouldn’t have affected it. Would you mind showing your hierarchy and also the code you’re using to attach your axe and gun?
just click and drag your mesh over the camera in the hierarchy
so basically, after I did everything, you listed the weapons just aren’t in the places they were, and I didn’t change anything else
yeah, that doesn’t work because the mesh won’t be able to follow the camera
u change this
Gun and Axe need to be child of the mesh and the mesh need to be child of the camera
now u have mesh gun and axe child of camera
yep, u need to put the gun and the axe in the skeletal mesh
nothing changed but I believe it’s a start, check the last video link I sent, the gun size changed when I equip, the axe is in the middle of the character
yes, when u move a component inside other the scale mess up, but when u have the right hierarchy u need to set up again the location, rotation and scale of your gun and axe
It didn’t work out
Okay, so here is how you need to have your hierarchy.
I notice in your Equip codes you are playing a montage and saying… Start at “hand_R”? Are you confusing that fillable box with a socket? You will need to also do a “Attach Component to Component” and choose the socket you need to attach the Static Mesh to.
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