How to make my character look allways to the movement direction?

My problem with this groups of nodes is that when i am going foward (w) and i press other key while holding w the character change the rotation so i can still going foward but facing to other direction.

So, how can i make my character allways look to the direction he is moving??

in movimiento.png you can see my movement nodes
in rotacion.png you can see my rotation nodes

Try storing the current position in a variable called OldPos. This is a vector. Then, every tick you get the new position NewPos and do this:

FaceDirVec = NewPos - OldPos

Then you can use the get look at rotation with NewPos as the Start input and NewPos + FaceDirVec as the Target input. The returning rotator will be correct and you can use it to set the pawn rotation.


Thanks for the reply. I solve the problem. I found and option inside the character blueprint, in the characterMovement componet. Its call character movement rotation. I set Z rotation rate to 10000. Now works just as i wanted. With out adding any node :smiley: