Hi, I’m trying to make a map selection where it gives a user list of maps and upon pressing a SELECT BUTTON the game will go to the next widget CAR SELECTION and after the user select the chosen CAR and MAP. It load the user’s chosen MAP and CAR. Is there a way to do this in blueprint scripting?
Hello BeastNectus, thank you for posting.
There are a few ways you can do this with blueprints. Since there a quite a few moving parts, I found one tutorial you can watch that goes over level selection widgets. I also found one tha twill give you some guidance on a character selection. Though these tutorials are in UE4, there are still many valid points you can take from these tutorials.
I hope these help you.
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[Level selection]
Uisco: Level Select Tutorial Unreal Engine 4
[“Character” selection]
Matt Aspland: Character Select From Main Menu - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial