I want to make a system of interaction like what you have in ‘Life is Strange’. Below is a gif and image of what it looks like for those who haven’t played this game. Is this text part of a 2D HUD that somehow tracks the position of 3D objects to move it across the screen? Or is it floating text above objects that rotates to the player camera view? I am still pretty new but would like to understand which method is used here. Other points are the text is always on top of the scenery even if you get real close and rotate the camera to try and make the text go into a wall, it will always be on top. The player character seems to be the only thing that can overlap the text and the text is always the same size to you however far away you are from the object (if you are far away it fades away).
tl;dr How do you go about making the floaty text/interaction system from Life is Strange?