So I have a really simple question for you guys. I want to know how to make my level the level that gets opened when I open the project. Thanks!!
Make sure you have the right project open and pick the level which is inside that project. Default levels are set for every project separately. Also you can do it inside the editor without opening the .ini. It’s under Project Settings > Maps.
Thanks! Your solution worked for me!
Open the DefaultEngine.ini in your projects Config folder and add these lines:
GameDefaultMap=/Game/Maps/name of your map
ServerDefaultMap=/Game/Maps/name of your map
EditorStartupMap=/Game/Maps/name of your map
I did that, but it still isn’t working. Do I need to build it somehow?
No building required. You could check if your map file is really placed in the project/content/maps folder.
DUDE thanks that worked perfectly for me.
Ok so it was not actually correct
I figured it out though, so:
go to PROJECT SETTINGS - select maps and modes under PROJECT - then u will see 2 options - EDITOR STARTUP MAP and GAME STARTUP MAP - change these to the level you want to start on and you will be sorted.