I’m having an issue when wanting to make my Gamepad’s left thumbstick be able to aim 360 degrees on a 2D shooter game of mine. My scripting is on the right track, but I noticed that my InputAxis axis value only goes up to 90 degrees and down to -90 when using ASIN(degrees). I want it to be able to go up to 180 and down to -180. Is it possible? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
In a word - ‘you can’t’
That’s two words, right?
The problem is, when using SetRotation nodes, it will automatically switch between 180 and -180 whenever the engine feels like it.
The way around the problem, is to use ‘AddLocalRotation’, which is often why you see this in pawn control code.
PS: It is possible to do this sort of thing, but only if you use quaternions.
The default movement for the player character uses it, and this is why… ( well, it uses AddControllerYaw, the point being it doesn’t use a Set node.
or, if you don’t like plugins, there’s always C++.
How and where would I use a AddLocalRotation node? Wouldn’t that just make the weapon spin uncontrollably?
Also, what are quaternions?
Do you own the plugin Quaternions? If so, do you know which nodes would help me? I may purchase the plugin, but I don’t want to get it if I have no idea how it works.
I don’t have it, no.
I would definitely suggest being clear about how they work before getting it. All I know, is you don’t get this kind of problem with them.
In the meantime, it’s much easier to just add local rotation instead
If you can have only 90 degrees and you need 360 - multiply the Axis Float times 4 and you got your number
Could you provide an image on how to implement adding local rotation? When I try I can’t get it to not spin rapidly and I can’t figure out what to do. I’m relatively new to UE4.
Like this
I see where you’re going with this, but I want the rotation to point wherever the thumbstick is pointing to at all times, not continually rotate whichever direction. Got any help for that?
Basically did the exact same thing you showed me before haha. Rotated continuously. Didn’t matter where I pointed the thumbstick, it just changed from clockwise and counter-clockwise whichever side you pointed. Thanks for the effort though!
Yah, sorry… :-/