I have ended up with a dilemma between two problems between the HTC Vive and Oculus Quest. I have a VR Project i UR 5 where i mainly been using a old HTC Vive and its controllers. My main problem is that I can grab items but I can’t drop them. I have it few time worked when i already stuck on a lot of grab items on both hands and when i have tried to grab a item to the other hand it have few times got dropped, but its not consistent and i don’t understand the logic.
I have tried to google around and found a few similar ish forums but no solutions and semi understand that it’s the hardware that is the problem(?). Does anyone have some sort of solution or can tell me if it’s the hardware that is the problem?
I also have access to an Oculus and it works fine at start (not standalone, using link cable). I now have added a video that plays on a screen and when using the Quest and moves the head around it kinda staggers and shakes. If I have my head super still then it okey, but as soon as my head moves a tiny bit it shakes. I don’t get it on the HTC Vive.
Does it have to do with Quest’s own limitations or is it because it’s connected to steam VR or has it to do with the PC hardware?
I know Quest gets worse getting used on steam vr but i don’t know to what extent.
But I have another similar project where the oculus also started shaking too but when I tried my project on a PC it is more of a beast and the shakiness went away. So that makes me unsure if it have to do with the PC hardware.
Anyone with tips / work around / or suggestions on my dilemma.