How to make guard drop more than one item

I want to have a guard that can kill you with a gun but also drops a card when killed. I put a gun and a card in his inventory and enabled the option “Drop inventory on elimination” to yes. However, when I kill him, he only drops the gun but doesn’t drop the card.

When I am on edit mode, the gun and the card can be seen above the guard’s head, indicating that he has both items. How can I fix this?

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Hi @AMe3e

I would suggest that you try to use the elimination manager and add the card to this device. This device will allow you to set your target type to guard. You can even set the Drop Chance, randomizing the chance of a card being dropped.

Read more about the elimination manager device here

Hope that helps!


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Thanks for your reply but it does not seem to be what I am looking for. I want only one specific guard to have a 100% chance of dropping the card. The rest of guards should not drop it. The device seems to affect all guards of that type.

To summarise, I want only ONE guard to drop a card, not all guards of one type.

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Thanks for the clarification. This is possible, I believe. To know for sure I will run some tests and, if a solution is found I will post my findings here :slight_smile:

Ok I was able to find a solution :slight_smile: :+1:

Please review my findings below

Just want to note that I have the item granter set to drop item at player location :+1:
I hope it helps!


Thank you for the video, it was helpful!

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