how to make glowing eyes in ue5

Hello, I have a problem. There is a skeletal mesh of a character without eyeballs, you need to make him glowing eyes. Since all the animations have already been done for the model, simply adding 2 balls to the model and covering it with a reflective material does not work, because then the animations do not work. As far as I understand, this problem can be solved by creating a glowing eye FX, but I can’t get it to place on the model. I created 2 sockets in the eye sockets, made FX and registered in it that the particles were fixed in the sockets, but instead of setting the spark to the sockets that I created, the program for some reason puts them in one root socket, which is the reference point of the skeletal mesh. I can’t figure out how to do it right. Perhaps there is a simpler or more rational way?

Hi Slumsnake,

Here’s a simple way that looks to work with any/all animations.

First, make sure your eye mesh is a child of your Character Mesh. (Drag + Drop items inside of the ‘Components’ panel)

Then you can set the parent socket for your eyes to ‘head’, and then give them a location offset to put them where you want.

For a ‘glowing’ effect - in the eye material, multiply the texture/color by about ‘100’ and feed it into the ‘Emissive Color’ node.

The same attachment method should work for FX if you wanted to attach FX systems to specific points.

Hope that helps! Welcome to the Forums.

thanks for the advice. I created sockets on the mesh, but for some reason they are not displayed in the blueprint

Here mesh with sockets. What have I done wrong?

So in my example, I actually attached to a bone. (But if your socket shows up that will be even better)

In your first post I see you have the mesh selected in the components panel. Do you see the list of bones/sockets if you select the child ‘eyes_sk1’ or ‘eyes_sk’ If not, are you able to do it with a Static Mesh child?

Thank you very much, everything worked out.

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