I was wondering if there was a consistent way to make my character jump in the same way characters do in fighting games. Basically, whenever I press forward and up on my d-pad or joystick, I want the character to have the same forward jump arc regardless of their movement previously. The same thing with pressing just up as well as pressing up and back at the same time. The way I thought of doing it would be to stop the character and then att an impulse once they are in the air, but that hasn’t been working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried that too, but for some reason it doesn’t accept the velocity even though my input is going in. My movement is actually set up within my Controller so the characters have a similar framework so I have to cast to the character and get the movement that way (picture attached). The jump function still works, but attempting to apply any velocity to the Z axis doesn’t work for me.
You should be able to override velocity:
Would that work?
This should work while you’re in the air; it does seem to work fine on my end. Can you confirm?
Makes sense, it’s the movement component that is keeping you glued to the ground. Add a Jump in front.
Yes, it does work while in the air, but not once I land. One thing I did notice was my game is 2-d so I changed the movement from the Y-axis to the X-axis so now when I press the input on the ground I do move on the X-axis, but still not the Z. Overall, it does work in the air, just not on the ground.
Thanks, that worked. I just wish there was a way to set the Z velocity without calling the Jump function, it feels kinda clunky. I’ll use this unless I find something more customizable, but still, thanks!