How to make doors open independently?

Well think a little… move the open code to class that it operates which is door blueprint, make a player pawn call door to open, you can see in your code that overlap events return actor that touch collision shape components, use it

You should not use level blueprint for any gameplay code, level blueprint is created strictly for level scripting for level it is on. Otherwise you would end up copy pasting code around all the time when you change something. using it like that might be reason why you not seeing how to do it what you want to do.

I am creating a prison level and would like the cell doors to slide open when I approach and press E. I have been able to achieve this with one door, but I’m not sure how to be able to open each door independently without having a to create a function for each door and so that opening one door doesn’t open all of them on the same level.

Any ideas how to create the script so that one script works with all doors but only the one a player is looking at?

Attached is what my current level blueprint looks like.


I would like to know a similar thing. not quite sure I understand what you’re saying however. In my scenario, I have multiple doors which each have the blueprints to open the door on E with a line cast. whenever I duplicate the actor in the scene, the timelines interrupt each other. So if Door A is open and i try to open Door B, the timeline will have to reset itself to the beginning so it does so with my key press, which means I have to press the key again for the door to open. Can you elaborate your answer and help me?

Check out this tutorial, it explains what you want:

So I pretty much used what I had posted originally. I created a BP of the door for X direction and another for Y direction. Each BP includes a trigger box. When the player overlaps the box, input is enabled. When the player leaves the box, input is works really well.