I attached a wall destructible mesh to another bigger destructible, but it wont take damage from an explosion blueprint I made unless I damage it first with a projectile.
Yes, I am using the flag Form Extended Structure. And no, the wall is a single mesh, I just scaled it up a bit in UE4’s static mesh properties then I made it destructible within UE4 also.
And it is attached to the floor, the one with the brownish texture.
Is the form extended structure really bugged?
And if it is, is there any temporary alternative I can do?
Ah, I did not realize the ground was a destructible as well. That makes more sense.
Something you could try to do that requires a little more setup, but it can work in situations like there where something is bugged.
For the ground mesh you can make this a regular static mesh in a Blueprint, instead of being a destructible. Then in the original wall DM you can set this to be world supported rather than Form Extended Structures. This will allow the DM to stick to the static mesh (so long as the static mesh is not set to movable).
Then with a little bit of logic setup in your Blueprint you can set the ground mesh to spawn in pre-defined fractures from the original mesh. The original mesh can be cut into pieces in your modeling program. This is how Destructibles would be used on mobile, but this application is good for other situations as a workaround or an instances where you don’t want the costly effect of DMs using extra resources on the CPU.
I know that’s a high-level setup, but it’s where I would start investigating something like this.
I did try that a couple days ago and it did work well, but the thing is, I need the land to be movable, since what I really aim is for the ground mesh to simulate an earthquake feeling, moving in random rotation values.
Is there any chance that the form extended structures bug is fixed in UE 4.9?
And if I shift to C++, will it be possible to create a solution for this?
Thank you for your time and answers!
Yeah, if the land has to be movable it’s going to be more difficult. That’s where form extended structures would really help. Unfortunately a lot of the Destructible bugs that are entered are backlogged. It 's not a priority for Epic at the moment. That particular one has been logged for quite a while though.
This bug is simply backlogged and there isn’t any definite timeframe for any fix.
If you’re comfortable with C++ and working with that particular code then it’s possible you could fix it. If you were to fix it, you could alway submit your changes via GitHub to be integrated into the engine and get your name in the engine’s and release notes credits.