Hello, I am using UE 5.1 and the Off World Live Livestreaming Toolkit plugin to make a program to stream from using the Virtual Production template. I don’t want the player to be visible to the camera, so I’m just looking for a way to set the default player sphere to be invisible. I assume it’s a pretty simple fix but I can’t find an answer anywhere. Thank you!
Hey @CalypsoCorvidae,
Are you using a character blueprint? If so, you can set your mesh to not be visible in the details panel of the component.
I hope the above is the solution you need!
Hi, thank you for responding! Unfortunately since I am using a virtual production project template it seems there is no third person character default for me to use. The PlayerStart that came with the project looks like this and just spawns a default sphere to act as the mesh when the project is running. I am looking for a way to modify this mesh either by making it invisible or replacing it entirely but every tutorial I can find uses the third person player. I’m still very new to the program, apologies if i am missing something obvious.
It appears the virtual production template is using the default pawn class for the “player.” To change this, you’ll probably need to make your own game mode class (as shown here )and either make your own pawn class with an invisible mesh, or just set default pawn class in the game mode to spectator pawn.