Hello! I’m work at point and click quest and i’ll try add gamepad support. If on PC i can click at everything, then on console i can’t do this. The first time I thought about cursor emulation (like in Destiny), but this method is not very convenient for such a game.
So, how i can make something like this work in “Life is Strange”? You can see what i mean here: Life is Strange - Ep1/part 6 - Max's room/Dana+Juliet - Walkthrough Gameplay - YouTube
In this game player can choose a target and press button for interaction, how this work? Can you give me some guides or forum/thread, where was discussed this?
To highlight the target you could use a line trace or a collision sphere placed in front of the actor.
Hello! Yes, I would do this at once, but I have a top-down game.
At the time of the “inspect” I switch the camera to the local one, after which the player near sees the necessary items.
Then a few screenshots of your system would be helpful.
Blueprint and how this looks.
I would think that each “room” or “area” with interactable items would have a sort of “collision” sphere or box around it. When the player walked into the collision box, open widget, set widget buttons to the interactable items within range and script the logic from there. Probably an interface would be good here. So a master_item actor that uses an interface to implement the specific item’s “actions”. The widget buttons would be scripted to launch the item interface.