How to make boomerang physics ?

So I am trying to make a 1st persone Quidditch game and I have encountered my first problem without really even starting :wink:

Its about the bludger “physics” if you want to calle it like that. My idea was that after the bludger is hit by the player and traveld for a while its gonna fly to a randome positon on the field the problem is that the bludger would never fly straight to the point but more like an curve like a boomrang but I got no idea on how to do that.

I am happy to receive any ideas for other stuff like maby the chaser/seaker gameplay (although I already have some Ideas for the chaser gp) :slight_smile:

RP because of wrong title.

Try out to add the projectile movement component to your projectile (bludger), and then setup it up with the HomingTargetCOmponent, outlined here How do you set 'HomingTargetComponent' in Blueprints? - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thank you this might work :slight_smile: