How to make Blueprints attachable like legos?

i am trying to make pick able cubes stick to each other like legos, i have looked in you tube on how to do it but i didn’t find anything, please if you know the blueprint coding for it reply to this i need it for a project.

Are they supposed to attach exactly like Lego blocks; with matching pins and all? Or just stick together?

Can you describe it with a bit more detail? A typical user interaction scenario, perhaps?

Also, you keep asking the same question over and over again:

both are the same, i just want them to attach and detach

then answer my question because the first you didnt do anything

Have your tried looking up Magnetic tutorials on Youtube?

I beg to differ, left a link and said:

Attaching things is usually done via
Attach To Actor / Component nodes.

Are you having issues using it? It does not work as you expect? What have you tried? What failed?

Sadly, if you’re unable to follow a tutorial then there’s little anyone can do but to write the entire script for you - is this what you’re asking for?

hey every none, have u watched the video? it doesn’t help… would it be so hard if u just gave me the coding for it? isn’t that just the easier option?

You are asking someone to spend far more and effort coding a system you have barely defined. That is not the primary purpose of the UE4 answerhub or forums. You’ve been given suggested approaches and tips that are valid, and you should implement what you can and come back with specific questions regarding any road-blocks you hit.

If you want someone to write the code for you then may I suggest you hire someone on a site such as Fiverr. Be prepared to provide more details there also.

Additionally, being less rude is also going to improve your chances of receiving help.

Good luck!