How to make animations for UE5 Mannequin in Blender?

Hi! I’ve been making animations for my project using Mr Mannequin Tools plugin for Blender, that were using the UE4 mannequin, because that’s what was made for, problem is, my animations don’t look right if I retarget them to the UE5 mannequin, fingers position and hand positions don’t look the same anymore, which is a big headache. I intended to use those animations in the future for metahumans, but if the animations don’t look right retargeted to UE5 mannequin, from UE4 mannequin, how will they look right on the metahumans?

So i’m asking the question in the title, because I want to know how to make animations directly for the UE5 Mannequin in Blender (or maybe other 3D software that let’s me fine tune animations).

What is a method that you know? Because retargeting from UE4 Mannequin to UE5 Mannequin doesn’t look right…

Thank you in advance!

Export the skeleton asset and the static mesh with it and use it as an fbx in blender… more over if u can use cascedeur that will be easier as the skeleton comes in pre loaded and is just much better for organic asset’s animations with auto posing ofc

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