Hi, I’ve being using the Anim Dynamics feature for weeks trying to find the best way to make attachments for our game.
I use a character with tail, tail has chains of bones and no animation using them. It works good when running attacking and jumping. Tail swings naturally
But what we need is attachments that can be equiped dynamically like a weapon with chains of lock, or a chest with laces swinging back and forth via the feature of Anim Dynamics.
So I cut the tail off into a single FBX file and make an actor component seperately.
And add it to another character’s butt’s socket and it doesn’t swing with movements any more.
Tried some workarounds :
1, add tail sibling to the character skeleton mesh, set the tail’s relative location to the butt socket in blueprint update . Doesn’t work.
2, add only a tail to a new character, move arround tail doesn’t work.
It looks like Anim Dynamics only works inside it’s own skelenton local space.
So is there any way to make an attachment seperately in this way with Anim Dynamics. Need the attachments’ animation work with character movement.