Is your camera control blueprint within the player controller/pawn?
Being and RTS, if you have the camera move around and is your “controllable object” or pawn it’s going to point at it.
Alternative would be getting the turret to do a sphere trace and point at the result of the trace.
another alternative, is you need to get a reference to the character object you are controlling (if it’s not your pawn for example) and then get the location etc.
So i have a turret object that i imported into my game, and im trying to make it rotate to my players location. When i did this in an FPS game i was working on, it worked beautifully. However, now im trying to make it work in an RTS game that i am working on. In this game the camera has a top down view of the level and you can move it with wasd. I also have a point and click system to move my third person characters around in the game. The problem i am having is that the turret is not following the rotation of the character, its following the rotation of the camera instead. Im not quite sure how to fix this one but here is the blueprint for the turret
Thank you for the reply, How exactly would i get the character object in the turret blueprint though? Would i use an interface to communicate between the two?
a few ways really
1, Store a reference to the “Player” object in Gamemode blueprint, reference that as your “target” on the turret
2, Do a sphere trace based on the turrets range, and return objects that match the class “Player”(whatever you called it)
ive never used a sphere trace before and cant quite figure it out. How exactly do i store the reference to the player in the game mode blueprint? i tried making a variable of type thirdPersonCharacter, when i drag the blueprint into the gamemode event graph, it becomes a Add Child Actor Component in the graph (which the compiler is telling me cannot be casted to a third person character). Heres a picture of how im going about it, what exactly am i doing wrong?