How to make an object move up and down via timeline?

Hi everyone, I ran into an issue with timeline. I’m trying to make a simple launchpad animation where it moves up then down over the span of 1.5 seconds. I used the vector track in timeline, and have three Z keypoints: (0, 0) (0.75, 15) (1.50, -30).
It moves up fine, then when it moves back down the launchpad seemingly goes through the floor, even though the calculations should be correct (+15, then -30 should bring it back to its original position). The weird thing is even if it’s invisible I can still jump on it normally sometimes (other times when I replay the level it’s completely gone), so I feel like it’s a possible bug. I may be using the wrong nodes so I’ll post my current setup.
I am just starting out with UE4 without any experience, so please point out any flaws in my scripting.

This is the setup I use to move an object up and down.


Is your scene a variable? If so what type?