Hi everyone I’m making an FPS game and was wondering if someone could help me with creating a shop for emotes so like, if the player has X amount of coins they can buy an emote (Like in fortnite) any help is appreciated because this is one of the things I would really, love to have in my game to make it a bit better than it is already. thanks
Ok so what I would do here is break it down to the parts you would need to make:
A coin variable, perhaps in the player state or player controller, thats included in your save system.
A data driven ui for available emotes. Id recommend taking a look at this - Creating a Data-Driven UI with UMG - Unreal Engine
A way of tracking which emotes have been purchased. Ideally collapsed to a reusable function so you can query it when the user asks for it or your emote selection is brought up. You could grey out non purchased ones. Then just use a Map with emote class and has bought bool, or an array of purchased emotes. Something like that.
Then, on button press, get selected emote, which can only be selected if it was bought in the first place, and play the animation.
thank you I’ll try it now
for some reason it’s not printing the string when it’s supposed to and I have no idea why any ideas?
I might just give up on the idea now it’s not working at all
I might actually just make it a character shop instead of an emote shop any ideas how I would implement that?
or would it be the same way?