How to make an EditableText consume keyboard input?

I want all keyboard events to be captured (and terminated) by my EditableText when it is focused. However, currently, it triggers functions from other widgets. I tried all checkboxes in the widget panel…

Does it still happen when you override onKeyDown and pass Handled?

How can I override onKeyDown? Should I create a derived class from the EditableText?

Do you mean this? This doesn’t work. The game still takes keyboard inputs.

Yeah, that’s what I meant. So, hold on - you can type in the Editable Box and the input bubbles to other widgets? Sounds implausible but here we are.

How can I override onKeyDown ?


However, currently, it triggers functions from other widgets.

This parts confuses me. Since you weren’t sure how to even capture a key in the first place, how are you actually detecting keypresses in the other widgets?! Normally you’d do it with onKeyDown while the widget has focus.

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What you suggested solves the issue. Thank you for your answer

This happens to me in 5.3 editable text box, set focus, while I’m typing in it, events (like those on my player controller bound to letters) get called and typing a ’ also pulls up that AI info stuff that you can call in the editor.

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