How to make an AI character pause briefly

I am currently trying to learn how to use UE4 and how to be able to make a game with a friend. At the moment, I am wanting to make an AI patrol a certain area for as long as it can, but when it gets to one point, I want it to pause for a short amount of time. I have the script set up for him to go back and forth from one point, but I can’t find out how to make him pause and one point and then continue to patrol that one area.

Hey QuantumPrimus!

Can you show your script? Are you using a behaviortree? Or only in blueprints?

Yea, here is the script(or what I could scrape together to try to show you)

Ah, it can be really simple, just put a delay node before your FlipFlop and it should pause before it will go to the next point :slight_smile:

One more thing, is there a way that you could have him rotate when he gets to only one of the points?

I don’t really know what you mean with that, could you elaborate?

Also you might want to take a look into Behaviourtree’s for AI :