How to make AI pick up another small-scale animated AI

Hello, I am new to Unreal and I would appreciate an advice for the following scenario.
I use unreal (4-27)

I have a monster AI wondering the level and performing different animations depending on his environment using Behavior Tree.
I also have another, smaller butterfly AI chasing the monster and randomly flying above his head, using his own separate Behavior Tree.
At some point I would like the Monster to pick up the butterfly and let butterfly sit on his hand while still animating the wings.
What is the right way to do that in terms of attaching the butterfly to the monster but keep animations of both the monster and the butterfly going.

Both AIs have a collision sphere that prevents them from going through objects in their environment. But that would also prevent them from getting close to each other. no?
What are the collision settings I should have for both of them?

Any advice is appreciated, even just the names of the events or settings to look up.

i would get a reference to the butterfly in the monster code. do a cast to it when the monster spawns. then, use that reference and do “attach to socket”. this will attach the actor to your monster ai. theyll have completely different animations, so no issues there. i would turn off the collision on the butterfly though.

thanks so much for replying, I managed by now, pretty much what you said :slight_smile: