How To Make AI Patrol Between Points

Using Blueprints how could i make a character that goes between different positions on the map without stopping at random?

To explain further there are 4 positions on my map as of now. I want the Enemy to go from position to position without stopping at random (his path is random).I know how to make him just go to a point but not points at random. How would i make that?


Have you tried searching for the answer first? From the top of my search results:
1 2 3 4

Please search the answerhub/forums before posting questions so that we don’t get distracted by the noise while trying to support you guys :slight_smile:


@Mieszkoz mute your speakers maybe instead?

In a classic move, this is now the top result for searching “ue4 ai patrol”

make use of random integer in range ?

And just like that, this link is now one of the top posts on google search :stuck_out_tongue: