How to make AI character follow player and roam automatically?

Hello, I am writing this because I can’t find anything on youtube or google with my particular problem and I need some help. I currently have two blueprints on my AI character, one for roaming and one for actually following the player in which if the AI makes contact with the player the map restarts and its gameover. However, just recently I added the roaming blueprint and when I am walking through the map I notice that the AI will chase my character but if it does not reach it in time or it takes too long somehow because they’ve been spotted from across the map. It will last second change direction and start roaming in other areas of the map. However, if my player is really close then the AI will actually make it and touch and then the map will restart( the way I planned it to be). I wanna fix the whole problem with the AI and I even tried making my delay time higher so it could possibly reach the player. It hasn’t worked yet. The delayed time for each random spot the AI roams is currently at 2 seconds.
Any suggestions?