How to make a vehicle's boost when you hit an area

Hi, I’m making a skate park game, but for wheelchairs. I need help on getting a speed boost to work. I made a blue print of a mesh that says Boost. I’m trying to change the vehicle max speed, but I can’t figure not how to call the vehicle’s speed into the boost’s blue print

Thank you

On Event Overlap - other actor → cast to chairBP from the return pin grab whatever variable you want. How is the wheelchairBP setup, is it setup as a wheeled vehicle, character or a pawn with movement component?

That should be Other Actor not overlapped component, I will take a quick look at the demo vehicleBP real quick to see what needs to be set for a boost to work on overlap

For now, I’m using the demo vehicle. I have On Event Overlap to Cast to Vehicle bp. From there I can’t set vehicle rpm. I can’t find that in the bp

I know this isn’t right

I’m going to put together a quick Demo video of what I setup as a boost give me a few and I will post the link and the BP setup.

This video might help you out: Tutorial: UE4: #1 Speed Boost - YouTube

That is for a character not a vehicle, they are looking for a vehicle speed boost

Is this the type of effect you are trying to achieve: Vehicle Speed Boost Rough Demo - YouTube

I looked at that, but the vehicle has no "max speed "

Yes, that is what I want

Ok this isn’t polished or perfect but with some tweaking you should be able to get it working the way you want. Here is a screenshot of the BP I am using for the overlap:

If you would prefer to download it as a working project to tinker with here is a link: - Google Drive

(Edited 12/25/2022 to update Google Drive file link)

thank you, I’ll try it and I’ll write to

Ooops. I’ll write tomorrow

on the vehicle bp, how did you do the OldTick under the event graph
How do I give you karma

OldTick? Oh no, I’ve slept since then…also I have no idea how you give me Karma, I think the only way is to accept the answer or upvote it.

Ah I just reopened the project the OldTick is just a custom event and I am calling it from a better location in the BP so the links wouldn’t get crazy. I forgot I actually left that in there, that is how you can use a key input to trigger the boost. The video is a demo of the BoostBP and not the Sedan code, that was just in there during my testing.

it works when I push a key

Black Phonyx, do you think the size of the vehicle makes a different because I tried it with VehicleAv, the buggy. It doesn’t work unless I push a key. Any suggestions? I built everything around the buggy size

Size doesn’t matter, check your nodes…you didn’t edit the BP to work for your vehicle is all…here take a look at this:

Works fine for the buggy for me, like I said check your nodes.

I found what I did. I didn’t change Get Overlap Actor

Thank you