Hey all,
I’ve recently started working on a small driving game.
I used Epic’s VehicleGame demo as a basis & added my own components on top of it.
I’m trying to develop a mechanism that would allow me to make a certain tire stop spinning/lock; meaning that, for a certain amount of time - ‘locked’ wheels will not spin at all.
‘Locked’ wheels would ideally sorta ‘skid’, till they get unlocked & rejoin the spinning of the other, ‘unlocked’ wheels.
I tried attacking this from multiple angles, but it seems that all tire-related entities can’t quite be changed during runtime (e.g., VehicleWheel, or even the TireConfig entity).
Can this even be achieved?
I noticed that the rear wheels freeze in place when the Handbrake input is fired, which is kind of what I’m looking for, so I thought I can use this mechanism somehow to create the behavior I’m looking for, but haven’t managed to do that. I assume that this behavior is part of the VehicleMovement component, but I may be wrong.
Any ideas / other approaches I should look into?
I wish to solve this via BPs only, if possible, but if I must use C++ - so be it.
Thanks (: