How to make a timer and score screen

how to make a timer began at 5 minutes and when fishes display a score screen with how many shoots on the cubes

i need to make these in first person shouter example

For , use timeline.

score stored in variable.

When timeline completed, display a widget with score.

If you not done either, just ask.

Give me a bit, will send some pics

Give me a bit

I am a beginner so how to create these

i did as you said but how to use it

Add a timeline in graph


Open timeline (Double click), and add a function, name it, i did not


Length is already set to 5 seconds so need to change length 300 seconds. Hold shift and click twice on red line


Click on first dot and change value at top to 0/0, click on the second and make it 5/5. (EDIT: CHANGE TO 300/300, NOT 5/5)

should look like this


No more pics, but timeline done. Execute Play from start, and run you widget from completed


When you need to run it execute the timeline, with a gate or boolen.

I am assuming you already are keeping score.

Do you know how to make a widget?

no.i didn’t know

check this out. for health bar, but will give basics.

how to stop the level when the timeline finished

out of finished. put a delay or button on widget.

reload level
