How to make a string appear on the screen as long as you want

Print string only allows you to print for a couple seconds but what if I want the string to stay on the screen until I have a boolean as true and only want the string to go away when i set the boolean to false? Is there a node besides print string that can do this? (I want the strings in the top corner like print string does)

If you pull the bottom of print string open, you’ll see you can set the time for as long as you want.

But, if you want to be able to make it dissapear again, you’ll need to use a widget:

if you want to be able to make it
dissapear again

Flush Debug Strings


It’s not working. Not sure if I am using it correctly. I have a print string node for like 20 seconds but when i call flush debug strings, it is still there but i want it to go away.

It was supposed to be a joke; a joke that does work fine, actually. Flushing is for debugging strings, though.

I have a boolean as true and only want
the string to go away when i set the
boolean to false

Set Duration to 0:


This does not work either

It does. Both do. Post a screenshot of your setup.

flush string and setting time to 0 both don’t seem to do anything

C’mon man, you’re spamming it all to the screen from someplace else, most likely.

Image from Gyazo

Perhaps print something else than Hello to see what’s going on.

got it now, thanks!

Oh good! Epic’s future would be doomed if this was buggy all of a sudden! :smiley: