I helping a friend make a game for fun.I know basic C+ programming but rough on blueprints.We are making a game where you play as a Boa constrictor and hunt and survive as one in the tropical jungle.
We manage to get snake physics similar to that of snake pass,and snake biting down prey.But when the snake tries to coil prey it looks like a sloppy coil around the prey,and not tight like that of a snake coil killing prey.
Im asking help in making a Constriciton/Wrapping system for the snake(player) that squeezes prey. the player manually coils the prey after the bite with similar physics to that of Snakepass,but we don’t know how to pull of a good looking Contriction,it just looks like very loose coils.I wish to be able to tighen these snake coils like a real boa constrictor would.I though about using a control rig to do the keyframes manually but is there another way?