How to make a sliding news-ticker in BP?


I’m trying to make a news-ticker with dynamic text but I really can’t figure out a good way to do it.

I want the text to scroll right to left, only visible when it’s over the LED-screen. The problem is making the text appear and disappear. I could try spawning each character by itself and move it to the left, but I don’t want the whole letters to disappear and reappear at once, it has to be gradual like a real news ticker. If the text wasn’t dynamic I could’ve made a texture with it and used that somehow, but it has to be dynamic.

Any ideas will be really helpful!

you could put the text widget inside a canvas widget, which will crop off anything that extends beyond its border. then as a canvas slot, you can set its position on tick to make it scroll.

Thank you very much! This is exactly what I wanted. At first I thought something was broken when the widget wasn’t shown in my actor blueprint, but it was just the draw size on the widget not being big enough.