i doubt i will get an answer since i already asked something similar and was told i couldn’t get an answer here but i will ask it anyway. what i will do is describe what i want to make and what i would like is for someone to tell me how to make that or if this is not the right place to ask a question like that please tell me where i should ask.
1- what i want to make is more of a world building tool then it is a game. what i want for starter is a menu with two buttons leading to deferent places. these buttons are described bellow as 2, 3 and 4.
2- i want a button that takes me to a page where i can create a skill and put it in a list. i want to press a button on a blank page, be able to fill in a document where i can select the type of skill and write the name of the skill, then press ok and it will add an image and the name of the skill to the blank page and be able to do it over and over again to create multiple skills and make the original blank page a list of all of them. with at the top one of those classic things that i can say, only show the skills of this type on the list or show all.
3- i want a button that takes me to a page where i can select a character race. then it will take me to a blank page that is deferent for all the races where i can click a button that says add skill and it will pop up a list of the skills from 2 and i can selection that will be added to the blank page, just as an image that when i click on it it will show a description of the skill, then i can add a second one and link them, to make a skill tree. i would be able to connect or disconnect skills so i can add an other skill between two that are already there. i could also grab and move around the skill images to make the skill tree prettier.
4- i want a button that takes me to a page where i can create a character and put it in a list. i want to press a button on a blank page, be able to select a race for a character, fill in a document where i can write the name of the character, then press ok and it will add an image and the name of the character to the blank page and be able to do it over and over again to create multiple skills and make the original blank page a list of all of them. with at the top one of those classic things that i can say, only show the skills of this type on the list or show all. but when on the page of the character i want to be able to then see the skill tree that i created on 3 and select some skills like a real skill tree and i want the skill tree on this page to change along with the skills i add, move or remove from their respective page on 3.
it is so badly explained, that’s why i would like to be able to talk directly to someone as i am making it instead of describing it all. if you think you can help me then please do so, if you are unsure if you understand one part of it please say it and i will try to clarify and if it is just not the kind of thing i can get an answer on how to do it on this site please tell me where i should ask this question.