How to make a ragdoll player character

Hey I am just getting in to game dev and Unreal Engine so I have next to no knowledge of the program or code. I am trying to make the player instead of being able to walk I want the player to be a ragdoll and have to click and drag an arrow to point where you want to fling yourself. Sort of like the game called “Golf It” but instead of a golf ball it’s the player and there would be an arrow showing which direction you’re going in. It’s a 2.5d game (i think that’s what its called) so you can only move up down left and right not forward and backwards like in the game called “Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy” (which also just so happens to be my inspiration for this game) so if anyone knows how I can even begin with setting up a system like that I would really appreciate it since I am not sure where or how to even start with this. Thanks! (Also F.Y.I: I’m using version 5.3.2)

How to make character play animation when in ragdoll - previous question

UPDATE: I still haven’t figured out how to do this but I have decided that to make it easier on myself I’ll just go full 3D instead of 2.5D. If anyone has any ideas or concepts on how I can make a playable ragdoll, let me know.