How to make a prop bounce when hit?

I’m making a tycoon game and loads of them have it when you hit the prop to mine resources it bounces. How do I set it for a prop?

I have already ticked “Play Bounce” but I’m not sure if this is related.

I’m also struggling to find any documentation to show what this option does. Could someone point me in the right direction please?

Yeah, thats it, tick the other 2 as well, propogate bounce and the other one.
Not mirror though

However I think the Bounce is part of the material settings, Fortnite Props should be working automatically with this setting, so I assume your using a custom material.

If your using a custom material you need to make it from an instance of the MI fortnite parent base material and you can tweak the bounce properties in those settings somewhere.

It looks like every prop in my game has “play bounce”, “propagate bounce” and “propagates bounce effects” already ticked. They don’t have custom materials and none of them bounce when hit.

Do I have to run a script in addition or something?

No, it usually just works straight out of the box.

I’m wondering if it’s because the prop has to actually recieve damage to get bounce happening.
Do you have no damage to environment on or an invulnerable prop, perhaps it needs to be set up differently, like a way for props to recieve a damage event but not to be destroyed, like a prop manipulator to modify the prop health to 100000 or something to do with them settings related to restocking resource nodes and restoring prop health when it drops below a certain percentage.

I haven’t had enough experience in this matter to be able to directly say whats going on, but I’m very interested to find out.

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Yep, setting Pickaxe Destruction does show the bounce effect now. I’ll see if there’s a way to get just the prop I want to bounce though.

Okay I’m able to just damage the props I want by only applying it to player places and having the prop set to player placed in its settings.

The issue now is that the health bar shows. It doesn’t reduce because of other settings I have but I don’t want it visible. Any idea how to hide it?

Does Show First or Second Interaction Prompts do something about this ?

Hey do you know something about the Player Placed settings, I often wonder what that means.

No doesn’t seem to do anything after trying all combinations.

I thought the Player Placed was when the player builds.

There is an option to set a prop to “Player Placed”, Then combined with the Island Settings Environment Damage set to “Player Built Only” and Pickaxe Destruction “Default”.

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Ah cool, thank you, that opens up a few more possibilities.