How to make a "Press any button to start screen"?

Im having trouble understand this widget works. I have it set to spawn in my level’s blueprint and then use the “Any Key” node to try to remove it from parent but nothings is happening. Is there a tip of trick to understand this more better?

Hey there again @oAnubus! Is the Any Key and remove from parent inside the widget or the level BP?

This goes in Level BP after BeginPlay

This goes on the widget itself.

It should be on the widget, as the widget will take input from whoever he owner of the viewport it’s on. The level BP does not take input like that usually.


Hope this helps!

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For some reason, it still isn’t working. In the widget, I even tried to cast is to my camera actor and still nothing worked.

Hmmm, is your viewport attached to anything that reads input? If there’s nothing reading input and passing it along, then your inputs won’t go through. Mind if I get a quick peek into how your menu is set up?

This is the level blueprint

This is my widget blueprint

I don’t know if this would change anything but I also change the game mode so i can use my camera actor as the main camera.

It seems like remove from parent doesn’t disable the input handling in the widget, it stays alive, if you add a print you can see it keeps getting called.

Actually that’s exactly what I did to get this to work as well. I’m not sure what’s going on there.

So I made a Menu test level, a Menu Pawn, and a Menu GM:

the pawn is optional, but Its blank so all it does is sit there.

I kept the default player controller as well.

Level BP:


(the changes add some prints and get rid of it still taking input while waiting on being garbage collected). If it’s still failing we have to figure out why input isn’t being brought to the table.


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This is actually the first time I see the any key, I’m not a fan of how it behaves in widgets so I’d rather use the UI only mode like this

Handle the key down in the widget

Select the the root of your widget and set it to focusable and the visibility to visible

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Ok so i see what the issue was, I forgot i had put the “Create widget” and “Add to viewport” nodes inside my camera actor, so that’s why it seemed like it never disappeared. Sorry about all the time wasted on something so simple!

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