How to make a play get a vison blur and dark when seeing an actor?

Im a beginer trying to make a horror game that player who see ghost will have a vision blur similar to slenderman?

I don’t know what effect you want but you could probably do something with a Post Process volume.

It a fps horror game. I want a bluprint guide about the effect when main character see an actor too activate the effect.

Add a PostProcess component to your actor and control whether that is enabled or disabled by checking if the enemy is in front of the player (dot product of forward vector of player and vector of enemy relative to player, I think) and then raycasting each tick to the enemy. If it hits the enemy, enable the postprocess.

You have a blurprimt for that?

Pretty much. I have this.

Add a post process component to the character class.

Create the post process settings variable


Compile, Save and Configure your Settings…

In construction script apply your settings.


In the components tab, select your post process component.


While selected untick Enabled, and make sure Unbound is Ticked.

Unbound effects the entire map. It will override its post processing. You may want to mirror the main (map) PP’s settings and fine tune for your custom effect.
Just keep this in mind.

Create two custom events to enable/disable post processing.
