Hi Everyone, I Am looking to make a game with parkoring system that includes vaulting and running and jumping from ledge to ledge and ledge grab and taking a lets say celling fan etc and swing with it until it reaches enough speed to throw u to the other side and also i am looking for a How to make climbing and parkoring system and add them to a charcater in unreal engine 4.12 controls like the witcher 2 i guess ( i never played but it goes like this using a certain button like e to push ur self up with ur right hand and f for ur left hand something like that) And i hoenstly need it to be fluid so yea i would appricate it if someone can help me with that so i dont have a glitch clunky gameplay i need it smoooth i know i am asking to much but any help is appricated and by the way i am new to ue4 so yea dont expect much from me And Thank you
Overgrowth climbing logic:
Ledge Climbing tutorial in UE4:
Sunset Overdrive Vaulting logic:
programming interactions in God Of War: (skip to 32:00)
Animation tips from Skullgirls fighting game:
Hi Scott I am Making An Indie Game So Not Aiming To High I Think That Polishing Games And So On Is Made For The AAA industry Not Indies And The Tutorial Is OutDated its meant for 4.8 i dont know if i can use it and also i have absolute no idea on both sides of either programming nor unreal engine so i am just a real beginner but what i have is level design and i hope you can help me here with that honestly i am now looking for just a few things i will list them
- Vaulting
- Climbing From Ledge to Ledge Vertically And Horizontal
- Swinging Using An Object
- Making It Fluid As Much As I Can
- I Want To Know How Can I Manipulate The Speed Of Running
- I Want To Know How Can I Manipulate The Height Of A Jump
And I Honestly Cant Buy Packs And So On And I Thank You For Your Patience With Me Sir And I Am Sorry If I Confuse You And The First Link You Mentioned Is Widening My Experience And Helping Me Be Better Thank You
if you have a level design, and want to work on a parkour game, i think the next step would be to make a character and some looping animations for that character, where they walk, run, climb, shimmy, vault, etc…
the speed of running and height of jump can be controlled in the movement component. if you use UE4’s Character class as a base for your player’s pawn, that will come with a CharacterMovementComponent, which has variables like MaxWalkSpeed, JumpSpeedVelocity, etc… which lets you change the run speed and jump velocity. vaulting is basically just an animation, and so is swinging from an object. making it fluid is dependent on the quality of your animations.
Scott Look All i am looking for is blueprints on how to make my charcter do what is needed and i need one up to date thats all
im not saying you need finished animations to get started, but you at least need some kind of animations to use while you test things out and debug your anim blueprint and state machines.
try simple versions of what you want to do, with a character with simple rough animations, and learn how to use the engine in a more general way, instead of focusing on jumping right in to achieve your end goal. try learning from more generic tutorials on state machines, anim blueprints, anim notifies, how to make footsteps, trigger volumes, pickup items, etc…
im sure you can find a tutorial on how to make a pickup increase your speed or jump height without much problem, but it will probably be for an older version of the engine, but don’t worry about that, do the tutorial anyway, if you run into problems because you cant find a node, then maybe the name is a bit different now, but only worry about that problem when you run into it, instead of avoiding any tutorials that are not brand new.
plenty of relevant documentation is up to date with 4.12:
since you like up to date videos, here is one that came out today that has some clues that might help you out:
see that state machine? try making that. if you are not sure exactly how to make it, start with a simpler state machine, and work your way up. this will probably take a few months, so get a model with some animations, and study state machines and anim blueprints, and general blueprint scripting.
have you used the third person template? have you created a blueprint based on Character? have you experimented with key input and print strings? if not, you should be working on smaller things, like printing the words “Hello World” to the screen when the character clicks the mouse or hits the space bar, then changing it so instead of printing that text, it increases the characters jump height.
Hi Guys, speaking of Parkour Systems, it feels really hard for some dev to make specially if they’re new.But, in the last few weeks i have been working on a Simple but effective Parkour System with a lot of good features to play with.
It could soon be for sale on Gumroad, Check this video Demo,and subscribe to the Youtube channel to be informed about when it will be out.