How to make a material made of base color and normal from gbuffer?

Hi, I would like to make the material which have base color and normal. and i want to extract those properties(base color and normal) from gbuffer in different screen areas like Scenecapture2D (offscreen).

I found that Scenecapture2D also have a capture source option that extract normal when using deferred rendering. But, I think that if I use this, it needs to have two Scenecapture2d components, one for extracting scene color and the other for extracting normal.

What I ultimately want is a way to extract color and normal in a single draw call.

Unreal engine supports multi-render target and seems to be able to access gbuffer, but I don’t know the exact method.

I would like to know how to create a material by obtaining the normal and color of the screen through gbuffer.

Can you give me some relevant examples or help?