How to make a ''look behind feature'' FPS/TPS?

Hello, i have attached the follow camera to my mesh’s head and checked the ‘‘Use Controller Rotation Yaw’’, but now when i try to change the rotation of the camera through a blueprint of the character’s bluperint it always remains in the same position, the character moving with it. I would like to know if there are similar options to manually recreate the option ‘‘Use Controller Rotation Yaw’’ and deactivate it when the ‘’‘look back’’ feature is activated. What i mean by look back or look behind is the abilty of the player to rotate his point of view without changing other movement inputs. Like the ability in Outlast or Dying Light, when the player is looking behind while running or being idle. I would appreciate any support for this case!


Dying Light:

Hi, i tried this and it kinda worked… for a while. When i close the simulation and i start playing again the viewport changes automatically to the second camera. My follow camera (first person camera) is not attached to any spring arm because it would interfere with the camera’s settings, but i most probably don’t know how to set things up.

in that case, every time you enable 1 camera, disable the other.

or maybe this is just a hacky solution, and you should really just use 1 camera teleporting around, and maybe separate the camera from the character.

you could put all the effects in your camera actor, with functions for setting the distance, offsets, FOV, Letterbox, post process modes, etc… and make it detect custom physics volumes that can override effects. you should probably always use 1 camera, just teleporting it around or interpolating it along splines or attaching it to bones or whatever you need, and set your view target to this camera actor, instead of your character.

you can try it like this have a follow camera, and have another inactive camera that snaps to camera location, rotates, and rotates back when you release the input key, and deactivates

in my case, timeline is just a float track that goes from 0 to 165.

if you want to be able to look turning from both sides, make track from 0 to -165, and absolute one of the inputs

you might want to snap the camera location to 0,0,z first and lock x and y rotations while timeline is active, if not may not get what you want

this is what i meant by locking rotation during timeline:



hmmm… where you get the transform of previous camera, you can implement this instead of directly connecting the transform pin. this will make sure that the camera you use to look behind stays parallel to the ground. (Not sure though)

i am working on other issues as well, will report back asap
