How to make a list selector? (I think that's the term)

I feel kind of stupid asking this, but I just can’t find a tutorial on how to do something like this.

Short question: How do I make a selector from LBP/Dreams?

Long Question: Say I’m trying to make a menu where there are two arrows on the bottom. The arrows cycle the menus through a list and cycle through.
So like most menu systems in any good open world game.

It could be that I can’t figure out how to describe it better, but I cannot find a decent tutorial on this.

Any help?

Hey there @ZayJayPlays! So just to clarify, you’re looking to make a simple widget selector right? Just a list that can be scrolled (or moved by arrows) to move up and down a list of buttons/items?

If so, we’ve got the functionality built right into the UMG widget system! The thing you’re looking for is a scroll box. It’s got the functionality to scroll a list of things outright, and you can hook up selection logic you make to buttons inside of it.

So start by making a widget:

then pop in a canvas and a Scroll box from the Palette. I recommend putting some buttons in it to test it.

From there you’ll be able to see the scroll bar on the side. You can use that out of the box, however if you’d prefer buttons, you’d have to make them too, and then tie them to the scroll box via blueprints/C++.


For more information on how to use the UI designer, I’ve got some documentation and some tutorials for resources if you’d like them. This should get you moving in the right direction! Hopefully this helps!

and an official unreal training on the UI


Sadly this isn’t what I’m looking for.

To be a bit more specific, I’m trying to make a system of CCTV Camera views where you can switch between a number of cameras using two singular arrows on the bottom of the display.

So you need functionality that “Builds” the list of CCTV camera references?

Create a variable (CCTV actor obj reference, ARRAY)
Get all actors of class (CCTV actor class) → For each loop → cast to cctv class → CCTV Array Add Unique.

Hey there @ZayJayPlays! If that’s the case. Then @Rev0verDrive’s solution is the best to create the array at runtime especially if they change. From there you could hook them up to a UMG list and create some buttons like I mentioned before. Then from there all you’ll have to do is use the Set View Target with Blend node for each of the cameras to swap between them.

Here’s a bit of a guide!Switching Between Multiple Fixed Camera Perspectives | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation