How to make a line trace ignore and go through actors/props

I have a line trace that upon hitting, makes a ball move to its location. Problem is that I am having trouble filtering out what I want the line trace to hit and what for it to go through. How do I do that?

I have tried filtering what it hits but that just makes the line trace stop tracing what it hit instead of going through the actors I want the line trace to “actors to ignore.”

As example, I have a ball that I’ve moved and now my mouse is over the barrel but the game has stopped updating its position so the ball has stopped but I want the line trace to go though the barrel and hit the Landscape below it and move the ball to it. I still need normal collisions to remain on each barrel and ball, I still want them to react to each other.

You’re tracing on the Visibility channel, if there’s a collision volume blocking this channel, it will block it. You can create new channels and object types, and it can get really granular.

Mandatory reading:

In short, if you want the trace to ignore everything apart from the ground:

  • create a new trace channel ignoring default responses
  • block it for the ground
  • trace on this channel