Hello , i’m new on this thread so if this isn’t the right place for the post fell free to move it .
So , in my game i want somthing like in screent text message pop up like "use wsad to move , space to jump , a to lean left …etc " and i want to know how it work i saw a couple of posts on this thread and some Youtube tutorials and i know there is ‘Print String’ but it’s cool so i want somthing like if you know Outlast game in the begining of game there is a pop up tell you use WSAD To move like this i want mine .
Thanks in advance
PS : i use UE4 4.6.1 -_- , i saw somthing called Draw text i don’t know what is it exactly .
Do not use 4.6.1. I hope it was a typo and you meant 4.16. Update. No, seriously, update.
Look into widgets, this is how you create User Interface elements:
it was 4.6.1 , i need to update -_-
Thanks , btw
Draw Text is used with the HUD class - it can be used to display messages and UI elements but it’s both limited and limiting.
Ok i’ve updated to 4.17.2 thanks