The actor is a Text3D, that changes the text using data from a float curve of the Timeline node. The goal is to create a 3Dtext counter that counts upwards or downwards as defined in the timeline node. An instance of the blueprint has been added to the level and it works fine in gameplay mode.
The blueprint has been added to the sequencer using Actor to Sequencer. Playing or scrubbing the sequencer the 3DText will stay at its initial value. I have experimented with adding an event track, adding a keyframe, and then calling the custom event Event_Construction using a trigger or repeater event to somehow get the counter started.
I probably have a lack of understanding how the blueprint communicates with the sequencer, so the sequencer initiates the Timeline node and updates the Text3D accordingly. I guess the sequencer is not aware of the blueprint functionality at that point and doesn’t trigger it. Maybe I have to do something in the Director Blueprint of the sequencer, or the custom event Event_Construction has to be initiated somehow in the ConstructionScript of the actor blueprint and then referenced in the Trigger event for the 3DText actor in the sequencer?
I add the Stepcounter blueprint to the sequencer with “Actor to Sequencer”. Then I add a track of the type Event to that actor in the sequencer. I can chose Trigger or Repeater there. Chosing Trigger I then add a keyframe to that Event track. Right click on the keyframe I change the properties from Endpoint Unbound to Quickbind and set the Event_Construction custom event for the blueprint as Endpoint.
That automatically creates a sequencer event in the director blueprint of the sequencer that calls the Event_Construction from the Stepcounter blueprint.
All that doesn’t have any effect on the sequencer. And I am not sure if I am even close to the solution.
The reason I don’t use a timer is that I am counting steps, not seconds. With the timeline I can change the cadence, and change the pace at any point in time forth and back as much as I want.
It wouldn’t need to be 3D. A 2D Text renderer would work as well. But that one doesn’t work either with my approach.
I havn’t found a solution yet. But got the tip to run the counter just as part of the level while rendering and keep it out of the sequencer.
That does work. But the timing significantly drifts apart from the 30fps of the movie render queue. So I am now at the assumption that even if I was able to start the counter within the sequencer the Timeline node would probably have to be controlled by the framerate of the sequencer as well.
That makes it even more complicated.
So I am thinking about hard coding the counter with keyframes in sequencer now. Not flexible and surely not very elegant. So I am still thankful for any creative ideas.